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Arts Jam and Asia Town



Drawing RobotsAnimation Summer Camp 2015 (July, Painesville):
-2D animation workshop for high school students

Maker Faire 2015 (June, Cleveland) was fun with workshops for kids in:
-Construction of Solar Powered LED Lanterns

Arts Jam 2015 (June, Chardon Square):
-Construction of Doodle Bots (drawing robots craft)

Arts Jam 2014 (June, Chardon Square):
-Stop-Motion Animation
-Construction of Doodle Bots (drawing robots craft)
Possible designs for an interactive water fountain for Chardon Square were also featured.

Maker Faire 2014 (March, Cleveland):
-Construction of Solar Powered LED Lanterns

Solar Lanterns


Interactive Food Safety animations - FDA federal grant

Research and Curriculum development for Educational Interactive Text Book for Physics - Center for Entrepreneurship Grant

Applied Entrepreneurship Product Design course and CNC construction funding - Center for Entrepreneurship Grant

NASA wind tunnelImmersive interactive wind tunnel simulator in NASA's Reconfigurable Advanced Visualization Environment (RAVE-CAVE like structure) utilizing 3D with real-time remote control of NASA's small-scale wind tunnel in the Virtual Interactive Classroom - NASA grant (Tied for best proposal of 39 NASA proposals)

University of Akron Polymer Educational Software - University of Akron/Little Tikes (grant transferred to me)


ProE: The Magazine

Volume 9, Number 8
November 2001

Picture-perfect Pro/E
Abstract: The truck, created for a fundraising DVD video to build a real-life truck (for quick manufacturing on the road), was designed in Pro/Engineer 2000 and rendered with Okino's NuGraf by Steven Gutierrez, Neptune Media World Company. Generating the image in the video involved post production effects using Flash, 3D Studio MAX and Photoshop.

ProE article

Steven Gutierrez Home Page