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Projection Dress

Dream Inside a Beehive a Second Before Awakening
(a.k.a. Projection Dress)
The canvas is the dress…the artist works with the model to create the art. Video projections “play” on the skirt and eyes (common in many Surreal Art images) on the blouse look around the scene. This dress also has the honor of winning FIRST place at this Cleveland Museum of Art fashion show competition.

Inspired by artists like Dali, the dress makes a nod to his painting titled: “Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening”. Like a dream that focuses erratically on specific keywords, I focused on the bee motif of this piece and designed my dress skirt around a beehive design. Like a dream that also transitions from one thought to another, the video projections mimic the flow of dreams that seem to make sense at the time, but in fact have no connection. Fish turn into gumballs, gumballs into fire, and then rain loops back into fish thoughts…

About the Event
Experience a runway show featuring surrealist-inspired designs as you meet your friends, grab a drink, and dive into the wild world of the subconscious. In celebration of the exhibition Forbidden Games: Surrealist and Modern Photography, The David Raymond Collection, finalists from CMA's Made Surreal fashion design competition will present their inner-mind-revealing couture for the MIX crowd and for a special panel of judges including:
-David Raymond, art collector and filmmaker
-Doris Raymond, vintage clothing guru and owner of Los Angeles vintage store The Way We Wore (featured in the Smithsonian Channel hit L.A. Frock Stars)
-Jean Drusedow, director of the Kent State University Museum
-Barbara Tannenbaum, curator of photography at the Cleveland Museum of Art

Press and more about the Event
Video: http://www.cleveland. com/kristel/index.ssf/2014/11/ watch_head-turning_mix_ couture.html
Images: http://www. ssf/2014/11/cleveland_museum_ of_art_gets_s.html#incart_ story_package

Projection Dress

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